Soporte Técnico Analítico
Industrias Garay e Instrumentación Analítica S.A.S. de C.V.
Acerca de nosotros.
Con más de 20 años de experiencia en el ramo analítico, hemos capacitado e impartido un sin numero de cursos, talleres y seminarios dentro y fuera de la República Mexicana. A todos aquellos que nos han permitido ser parte de su vida profesional, les agradecemos infinitamente su disposición para el aprendizaje y los gratos momentos que compañía de ustedes hemos compartido. Para nosotros es una satisfacción poder compartir nuestros conocimientos.
Nos apasiona nuestro trabajo y permanecemos en constante aprendizaje; para nosotros cada curso o capacitación por venir debe ser mejor que la anterior por lo que nos obligamos prepararnos cada día más.
A través de este tiempo observamos que no basta impartir el curso o capacitación, y para nuestros clientes no basta asistir al mismo; El éxito es cuestión de práctica y actualización diaria, por ello creemos que estar en comunicación con ustedes es muy importante.
A través de esta pagina queremos brindarles el apoyo que requieren en su tarea analítica. Escribanos con sus dudas y comentarios y con gusto los atenderemos.
Áreas de Experiencia
Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo.
Espectroscopia Raman.
Espectroscopia UV - Visible.
Espectroscopia de Absorción Atómica & ICP OES
Cromatografía de Gases y Líquidos
Analytical Technical Support
Industrial Garay It provides specialized advice on the Characterization of Materials, as well as the sale of Analytical Instruments, Consumables, Accessories and Preventive Maintenance Service. We are representatives of Perkin Elmer & BWTEk brands. We are located in the Valley of Mexico and serve the entire Mexican Republic. Represented by Juan F. Garay and Claudia Hernández, it has been an option in solving analytical problems for 15 years.
About us.
With more than 20 years of experience in the analytical field, we have trained and taught countless courses, workshops and seminars inside and outside the Mexican Republic. To all those who have allowed us to be part of their professional life, we thank them infinitely for their willingness to learn and the pleasant moments that we have shared with you. For us it is a pleasure to share our knowledge. We regularly attend Congresses and Events related to the chemical area, always representing the company Perkin Elmer from Mexico, where we have shared knowledge and experiences.We are passionate about our work and we remain in constant learning; for us, each course or training to come must be better than the previous one, so we have to prepare each day more.Throughout this time we observed that it is not enough to teach the course or training, and for our clients it is not enough to attend it; Success is a matter of practice and daily update, so we believe that being in communication with you is very important.Through this page we want to provide the support they require in their analytical task. Write us with your questions and comments and we will gladly assist you.